For the week, the Dow lost 143.74 points, its worst weekly showing since the week of Oct. 19, and its fourth-worst week ever.
The Dow ended the week with three consecutive declines, dropping 91.81 points, its worst weekly showing in 15 months.
During that week, the Dow fell 7.8 percent, the worst weekly showing since the 1987 crash.
The South Jersey theater was later popular for its weekly showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Ferrari, Fitzpatrick and Wagner are the Executive Producers for the games which will initially air once a month, leading up to a weekly showing.
Down 62.5 percent from its March 2000 high, this was its worst weekly showing since December, when it fell more than 8 percent in two separate weeks.
Last year, the show averaged a total of 4.9 million cable viewers an episode (for four weekly showings).
The Russell 2,000 rose 3.9 percent, for its best weekly showing in more than two years.
In its Sunday night showing, the show is reaching about 3.7 million viewers, and in its four weekly showings it reaches more than 10 million viewers.
Both figures were for only the initial weekly showings on Sunday nights.