Garten Brau has caught on well in Madison, which is dominated by young, well-heeled consumers with strong attachments to home-grown products.
In 1988, the decorator began an association with Hickory Chair, a leading furniture manufacturer in North Carolina, creating furnishings for the well-heeled consumer.
And the project is part of an effort to redefine the way consumers - or at least certain, well-heeled consumers - think about electronic devices.
The wines, mostly from 1981 onward, seem primarily oriented toward well-heeled consumers.
Unlike other advanced phones that have been aimed mainly at large corporations, these new phones will be aimed at well-heeled consumers, those willing to pay up to $600 for a telephone.
WITH so many options to choose from these days in three growing Westchester cities, how does a well-heeled consumer decide where to live?
A package of services initially intended for relatively well-heeled consumers, Ion is being delivered to homes through digital subscriber line technology, which uses copper phone wires leased from the local phone company.
He used the term to describe a breed of well-heeled consumers who bashed materialism while embracing all manner of luxury.
The continuing sales explosion of compact disks - a high-priced way of buying music, and the province of well-heeled consumers - also suggests that boomers are business.
For real space savings, well-heeled consumers are turning to liquid crystal display (L.C.D.) screens, which have several advantages over cathode-ray tube (CRT) displays.