The wide-ranging study culled 1996 statistics, the latest available, from parents, hospitals and insurers.
The Commission's 6(b) authority enables it to conduct wide-ranging economic studies that do not have a specific law enforcement purpose.
With a range of 2,500 miles, it is to do wide-ranging studies of deep ocean ecology.
Throughout this wide-ranging study Blackwell insisted that the past was not a foreign country but perfectly coherent and intelligible when viewed in its own terms.
Politics and empire formed only a part of this wide-ranging study.
The Confederate Wraith is built on a wide-ranging study of motorcycle history.
I have conducted wide-ranging studies of sexual practice, paraphilia and psychosexual dynamics.
The term was first defined in a wide-ranging 2007 study on the use of water in agriculture over the past 50 years.
How can we attempt to set limits without a detailed and wide-ranging study, based on commonly established assessment criteria?
Edwards' wide-ranging studies and observations of insects brought him into contact with specimens not yet classified.