The result is that wide-ranging use of IT is rarely possible in schools or the workplace due to restrictions not just on the use of Internet but also operating systems and software together with slow and poorly set up networks.
Even if they wanted to, they did not have the authority to unleash the decisive and wide-ranging use of force called for in post-Vietnam United States military doctrine.
It was probably the most versatile wood in the countryside with wide-ranging uses.
With wide-ranging uses from environment-friendly biodegradable composites to biomedical composites for drug/gene delivery, tissue engineering applications and cosmetic orthodontics.
Indeed, the wide-ranging use of the company's products is what has made the price-fixing accusations so important.
Indeed, it may very well be an area where some programs can be of immediate and wide-ranging use to teachers.
His wide-ranging use of targets, circles, spheres and hemispheres deserves a master's thesis.
With its wide-ranging use of hip musical guest stars from the worlds of rock, rap and country music, and a decidedly pop aesthetic, Yo Gabba Gabba!
I found her thesis to be academically first rate, based on a wide-ranging use of primary and secondary source material, with a thoughtful analysis and sound conclusions that derive from the evidence.
Thus, there was a finding that "Google's wide-ranging use of thumbnails is highly transformative: their creation and display is designed to, and does, display visual search results quickly and efficiently to users of Google Image Search."