I plan to exchange wide-ranging views with him on politics in general, including our demands for the release of jailed dissidents, freedom of speech and the press and others.
Because of this, it does not offer particularly wide-ranging views.
Instead, the Senate committees got most of their input from a disparate group of retired generals and civilians with wide-ranging views of the requirements for the campaign.
With clear instructions and wide-ranging 3-D views, it was another favorite of mine.
The structuralist view of language also yields a much more flexible and wide-ranging view of the relationship between literature and reality.
It is always in the interests of the Oxford Union to ensure a balanced debate with as wide-ranging views as possible represented.
You can access the cathedral's tower if you fancy a stunning and wide-ranging view of the surrounds from the city to the coast.
But he also spoke of "the wide-ranging views" continuing to divide Russia even after the quelling of the parliamentary revolt.
In this case, the Commission takes a wide-ranging view, which covers the labour market, social security systems and pay inequality.
Demant's own chapter would have been all the more attractive to Eliot because of its wide-ranging view which combined the primitive and the sophisticated.