Look, both of you, let's find a win-win solution to this.
"We all hope that this can be resolved in a win-win solution," he said.
I thought to tell her to deal with it or get another job, but I like win-win solutions.
It is a win-win solution: more environmental protection at less cost.
"Both sides gave in on this one," he said, describing the contract as a win-win solution.
He portrayed the robotic option as a win-win solution for all.
Approach any disagreement positively, looking for 'win-win' solutions rather than trying to score points off each other.
It's a win-win solution, giving us our best chance of heading off a new attack on American soil.
An approach based on responsible use, with the same rules for all the Member States, has the clear advantage of being a win-win solution.
Do approach any disagreements positively and look for a 'win-win' solution.