For most of us, that means a bit more broadening - in fact, a delightfully womanly figure!
"I always thought I had cut for a womanly figure, but we noticed we had to increase our bust size."
The skirt was too short and girlish for Ms. Beracasa's womanly figure.
Karr found himself comforted by the familiarity of her full, womanly figure.
But for a moment, she hovered there, a small womanly figure with wings of silver-green light that extended yards from her shoulders.
Clara was tall and thin and supple, with a graceful, womanly figure.
How could a mere infant have acquired such a womanly figure almost overnight?
On the tiles at the bottom was a womanly figure who wore a cloak that shimmered underwater light and dark.
Kate looked at the womanly figure in the jeans and tee-shirt.
And because it's kind of a cute style, the more womanly the figure, the better.