"worse" in Polish — inglés-Polish dictionary | see "worse" in inglés

worse ***

  1. gorszy
    It was worse than I expected.
    The situation is getting worse and worse.
    He came late, and what's worse, he was drunk.
  2. bardziej chory (czujący się gorzej)
    "How are you today?" "I think I'm worse."
    You have to get worse before you get better.
  1. gorzej
    Do you feel worse today?
    It's worse than I expected - we have to do something.
the image to "bad" in Polish stock photo : spoiled food the image to "bad" in Polish
Gradation: worse comparativo, the worst superlativo
  1. niedobry, zły
    I just got very bad news.
    What he did was really bad.
    antonym: good
  2. zły, kiepski, marny, słaby
    He's always been bad at maths.
    Her work was rather bad.
    Our country's economy is bad.
    antonym: good
  3. poważny, dotkliwy, ciężki
    They've had a bad accident.
    I had a bad headache yesterday.
  4. zepsuty, popsuty, nieświeży (o jedzeniu)
    Mary should eat this salad before it goes bad.
    This milk is bad! I can't drink it.
    consulta también: rotten
  5. zły, nikczemny
    You're a bad person, you know that?
    Don't trust her, she's evil.
    She is a bad person.
    link synonym: evil
    antonym: good
  6. zły, niegrzeczny
    You're a very bad dog!
    You've been very bad today.
    "What didn't you like about the girl?" "Her bad manners."
    antonym: good
  7. chory, słaby, bolący (o jakiejś części ciała)
    I've had a bad heart all my life.
    He has a bad back.
    W tym znaczeniu "bad" używamy zawsze z rzeczownikiem.
  8. ordynarny, wulgarny (np. język, zachowanie)
    Why do you speak such bad language?
  9. nieodpowiedni
    Is this a bad time?
    You came at a very bad time.
  1. zło
    Bad will lose!
    The battle between good and bad will never end.
    link synonym: evil
    antonym: good
Gradation: worse comparativo, the worst superlativo
  1. źle, kiepsko (o sytuacji lub osobie)
    It is getting worse!
    It's really bad.
  2. źle, słabo, niefajnie (o sytuacji)
    It wasn't that bad.
  3. bardzo, strasznie
    I miss you so bad!
the image to "badly" in Polish
Gradation: worse comparativo, the worst superlativo
  1. źle, kiepsko
    I slept badly that night.
    He speaks German very badly.
    He did badly, but he apologized.
  2. ciężko, dotkliwie, silnie
    Her arm hurt badly.
    He hit him badly.
    He was badly beaten.
  3. brzydko
    This boy behaves badly.
    He speaks badly.
  4. bardzo, strasznie
    She loves him badly.
    I miss my mother badly.
  1. pogorszyć się (o czyimś stanie)