Within five years of its founding, the company had grown to employ 20 people.
Within a couple of years of its founding, the company's first computer, the 820, was created as a special project for one customer.
But within a few years of its founding, the colony started to break apart.
Within a year of its founding, it had already become Japan's top business telephone leasing company.
Within seven years of its founding, keen observers were taking notice.
This name comes from the address of the school, 5959 Broadway, and the year of its founding- 1959.
The Park had its last building commitment within a year of its founding.
Within the first five years of its founding, the university's student population grew beyond 10,000.
Within a year of its founding in 1989, however, Redeemer had grown from 50 people to more than 400.
Within six years of its founding, keen observers had taken notice.