The flesh is white, an important feature as edible members of the genus have yellowish flesh.
Its yellowish, slightly orange, juicy flesh does not adhere to the kernel.
A mass of yellowish white dead flesh was close to the point where it would slough off.
Its skin is blue black and it has yellowish green flesh.
Her cheekbones sat high on her narrow face, her flesh extremely pale and yellowish, even for a Romulan.
The whitish to yellowish flesh does not change color when exposed to air, and lacks any distinctive taste or odor.
-withered, yellowish flesh stretched tightly across bone.
The white or slightly yellowish flesh is very thin, reaching about 0.25-1.5 mm thick in the central part of the cap, and even thinner at the margin.
It is covered with pressed-down hairs or minute tufted scales in the center, with the yellowish flesh visible between the scales.
P. fasciatum has a succulent yellowish flesh that is without bones.