At first, they are white, but later develop yellowish tones.
In people with rhinophyma, the skin on the nose gets thicker, becomes bumpy and may take on a yellowish tone.
The territory hosts a blend of green and brown to yellowish tones, featuring hilly terrain altogether.
A few have yellowish tones, and recent hybrids have added the colour white in various combinations.
The painting has been criticised both for still bearing hallmarks of academic drawing and for having an overall yellowish tone.
They can be yellowish or brownish tones of color.
During this time, the female may shed the feathers on her head giving it a yellowish tone.
Likenesses to the book includes: lack of a nose, skin with a yellowish tone, almost no hair, and sunken in eyes.
The male and female are similar in appearance, the plumage mainly green with a yellowish tone on the underparts.
For instance, one might have to look twice to believe that a yellowish tone is produced by crossing red and green threads.