However the youthful appeal of the program quickly earned it an earlier slot, which was on Mondays at midnight.
In addition, the broadcast and print advertising for the campaign, which also begins today, has a youthful appeal.
The study's results may in part reflect the youthful appeal of "Rent," the rock musical about life in the East Village.
Now Gap is about to find out whether her youthful appeal will play to a broader market.
But at least one case - a capital one at that - has real youthful appeal.
That youthful appeal is a plus because advertisers, especially in late-night television, are very interested in younger viewers.
Behind the youthful appeal of these wines, they have the tannins that will enable them to profit from the complexity that extra aging gives.
Others report similar examples of youthful appeal.
Nick effectively moves into the beach house, adding an even more youthful appeal to the show.
Even though he had been expected to be a fresh face with youthful appeal, Mr. Edwards, 50, has struggled to capture attention.