Her face was far more weathered than the youthful skin of the teen she was when they were last together.
Three little boys were playing in the yard and at the door stood a grey-haired woman with a straight back and clear, youthful skin.
She also noticed that, side-lit from the hallway, his normally youthful skin looked puffy in the shadows.
But, then, he was very plump, which may account for the youthful skin.
In the carriage: pointed nose of the old woman with still almost youthful, taut skin.
This was followed by Hollywood Directors talking about the importance of smooth and youthful skin.
The series of print ads had stars talking about preserving youthful skin.
Kinabalu looked at him, studying his reached hair, the face which seemed to be prematurely old, the lines too deep for the youthful skin and eyes.
Use this visual guide to keep your skin youthful, healthy, and wrinkle-free.
Leigh stared, taking in his youthful skin and demeanor.