Her voice took on youthful strength.
My youth and youthful strength fled long ago.
His body was a testimony to youthful strength and vigor.
His agility and youthful strength were the opposite of the old man's movements of a few minutes ago.
He hugged me before he left and I feared his youthful strength would snap my weakened bones.
She would face the last agonies of death when the bloom of her youthful strength and beauty was but opening as a rose in June.
Coincidentally, a few students at Eric's school are getting inactive as if they had lost their youthful strength.
Aygar bounded back through the hatch, his youthful strength and health a vivid contrast to the underworlders' air of desperation.
It came off with the same result and Coombes was finally compelled to yield his title to the youthful strength of his challenger.
Their youthful strength and flexible schedules made them favorites.