He provides youthful, fresh tone and a passion that makes this wimpy adjunct to Senta seem altogether credible, even tragic.
That explains the quite youthful tone and tenor of the 1998-99 campaign, which will again carry the theme "Feel the power."
Time will tell whether auto buyers - particularly those who have never owned Volkswagens - will respond to the campaign's bold condemnations of high-tech, its youthful tone and the fast-paced, practically hyperactive TV spots.
The voice he heard was almost excessively cheerful, with an oddly youthful tone to it.
She sings with agile coloratura technique and bright, youthful tone.
Mr. Bell's playing didn't always sparkle, but at its best it sang out in unaffectedly youthful tones.
The Lion possessed a youthful tone and his words, ripened with clarity, seemed to draw Rome toward a vortex of emotion.
She kept her youthful, angelic tone and freshness well into her mature years.
Feb 9 Dry Skin and Skin Tone Help We all want skin with youthful tone and texture, without making it too dry.
In a loud and youthful tone he hoped that this Montero was going to be licked once for all and done with.