Other towns said they would ask their zoning officials to send letters to homeowners requesting the removal of signs.
But it can work if the town establishes a strong set of regulations and has zoning officials who know how to enforce them.
Bedford's zoning officials carefully guard that small-town quality of life.
The revisions adopted in February came after a long series of meetings, public hearings and discussions with local planning and zoning officials.
In order to placate municipal zoning officials, the trick is to operate below their radar screens.
"The Township Committee supported the zoning officials' variance by a vote of 5 to 0, because we felt they had done a proper job."
The size of the project initially approved by the town was reduced as plans for specific phases of the development were challenged by local zoning officials.
It is a town where zoning officials this week considered both a new Wal-Mart and plans for preserving the town's dirt roads.
At the same time, a flood of subpoenas have been served on current and former town planning and zoning officials.
Full-time professional zoning officials have been in place here for decades, unlike some rural communities.