Despite critics who blame restrictive local zoning policies for Westchester's lack of affordable housing, county leaders have refused to challenge those policies.
As a result, many cities began implementing the first exclusionary zoning policies.
This landmark decision would lay the constitutional foundation for all future exclusionary zoning policies.
In 1986, the county had the foresight to enact a strict zoning policy requiring a minimum lot size of 25 acres.
These higher rents are largely attributable to exclusionary zoning policies that restrict the supply of housing.
The juxtaposition of Dundas and Northfield and their disparate zoning policies and attitudes toward development have led to some unusual growth patterns.
But in April 1987 the city adopted a special zoning policy for part of the garment district to preserve the neighborhood's manufacturing spaces.
The Council's current zoning policies hinder development, the Mayor said.
The supply of housing is artificially limited because of exclusionary zoning policies.
They deny that restrictive local zoning policies have prevented the construction of affordable housing and say they are actively developing such housing.