Most were of Muslim descent and custom but not all were.
Most of these Almogavars were of Muslim descent and custom but also some were pagan people.
Nowadays, 90% of Chams are of Muslim descent, while the rest, living in Greece, are of Orthodox Christian descent.
The action of the book occurs just a few years after the forced expulsion of last Moriscos (Spanish Christians of Muslim descent) from Valencia.
"They're reaching out to people of Muslim and Arab descent and bridging that gap."
His writers were American, generally of Middle Eastern or Muslim descent, and wrote in Arabic.
The sultan's second wife is from Indian Muslim descent.
It also depends on if only observant Muslims or all people of Muslim descent are counted.
Stroman later told police he was avenging the deaths of those who lost their lives on 9/11 and had singled his victims out because they looked like people "of Muslim descent".
The sitter, of Muslim descent, was Velazquez's slave, studio assistant and an artist in his own right.