The case of Muslim figures who have mixed between different schools have proven to be more problematic.
Research firms suggest the actual Muslim figure is around 98% or 97%.
In addition to the Muslim figure, there were 141 jundiyan or "soldiers" in the Ottoman army.
As the comic features only Christian and Muslim figures, these are generally directed at the two religions, though some apply to many forms of theism.
Instead, they are primarily Muslim clerical figures and academics.
For the first time since the early 1960's, no single Arab or Muslim figure now looms over the region.
Muslim religious figures from 22 states founded the League in Makkah in 1962.
Mahdi is named after files used in the malware and refers to the Muslim figure.
As a famous Muslim female figure she brings much significance to those woman in many countries.
He has been described in the English-language media as "one of the world's most important Muslim figures."