In our Palestine National Council, we said land for peace.
Former member of Palestine National Council (20 years).
To achieve this legitimacy, members of the Palestine National Council were still debating a political program to be unveiled today.
By a vote of 253 to 46, the Palestine National Council set out in a direction of moderation.
He told reporters that the meeting of the Palestine National Council, as the parliament is known, would take place "in a matter of months."
The plan will be presented to the organization's highest authority, the Palestine National Council.
Algeria has agreed to be the host at a special session of the 500-member Palestine National Council, expected to convene within three or four weeks.
He said the Palestine National Council, of which he is the speaker, had not accepted those resolutions.
An emergency meeting of the group's highest body, the Palestine National Council, has been called to figure out what to do.
From 1977 to 1991 he was an unaffiliated member of the Palestine National Council, a parliament in exile.