As recorded in art from the time, she was remarkably attractive, with beautiful facial features and an appealing figure.
Then she was a young woman, beautiful, very like Orlene herself in her living state, with honey-blond hair and a most appealing figure.
In fact, as played by David Lansbury, he is the only appealing figure on stage.
"For whatever reason, people of a lot of ages and backgrounds found him an appealing figure."
Dacres was no longer content to bring solace and support to the more appealing figure of the situation; he must set to work, bless him!
Most of its viewers will know a lot more about this appealing figure on leaving than when going in.
Then, after glancing up and down the lovely, appealing figure, he said abruptly, "I want to come in with you.
Because their minds were connected, she understood that in the process he took note of her appealing figure.
In the Depression years, rich heiresses were not especially appealing figures for impoverished audiences.
Never a very appealing public figure, Bonds picked a bad year to get into his marvelous home run groove.