The user interface is meant to be intuitive, and utilizes icons, audible feedback and textual hints to help explain how the software works.
Second, tactile feedback allows faster operation than with audible feedback, at least for typing.
Controls of the elevator provide visual and audible feedback to the user so that people with different sensory abilities can operate the elevator without assistance.
Sidetone is audible feedback to someone who is speaking.
The rubber dome is protected from impact damage by metal 'kerbs' - which also give tactile and audible feedback for wandering drivers.
But without sight or even any audible feedback, his hands flailed at the controls.
The PIN shall not be displayed or disclosed by audible feedback.
Real-time audible feedback is also provided through headphones.
Each key press gives audible feedback about how far ahead or back the user is moving.
Clickers are used to provide audible feedback for human students learning using a method called TAGteach.