Field commanders met today to work out further details in the kind of pragmatic, face-to-face discussion that peace negotiators hope will rebuild trust.
This was a matter, Poole decided immediately, for face-to-face discussion.
It was the final opporðtunity for face-to-face discussions for months.
Vivendi has held a preliminary face-to-face discussion with at least one potential buyer for its entertainment assets.
Such things as verbal and face-to-face discussions about political and domestic issues involving either countries.
That is not the essence of genuine face-to-face discussions, the Government says.
But it was a very rare day when he asked one of us to the White House for a face-to-face discussion.
Comparing face-to-face and electronic discussion in the second language classroom.
Opponents of this approach say telephone counseling is no substitute for face-to-face discussion with a trained professional.
A face-to-face discussion is an example of synchronous communications.