The water spilled over the edge of the tub, and flooded the big room, where some thirty shadowy figures cavorted.
And there in that little spot of light that apish figure cavorted and raved like a witch's familiar summoned up from Hell.
From my seat high in the bleachers I can see over the wall to the distant green playing fields, where tiny figures in shoulder pads and helmets cavort.
Paired cast-concrete fish and other figures cavort on the courtyard walls.
Within the fire's glow, shadowy figures cavorted in frenzied abandon.
Lorq drew the card: Morning fog wove birch and yew and holly trees; in the clearing a naked figure leaped and cavorted in the blue dawn.
Gaseous fingers pushed and probed at Sidra, pinched and prodded while the blue figures cavorted with hissing laughter, slapping their naked rumps in weird ecstasies.
There the separate figures cavort, arms raised, as streams of water play.
On a floor covered by multicolored jelly beans cavort four life-size human figures, also entirely covered by jelly beans.
More metal figures cavort above the open kitchen.