The case, Knowles v. Iowa, No. 97-7597, has attracted considerable attention, with organizations of police officers urging the Court to uphold the law.
He was a past president of the Shomrim Society, an organization of Jewish police officers.
The Mayor made his remarks yesterday to reporters at a breakfast in Queens of the St. Paul's Society, an organization of Greek-American police officers.
The Canadian Police Association (CPA) is an organization of Canadian police officers.
Mr. Hargrove, a former president of the Guardians, an organization of black police officers, assumed his post last fall.
The Emerald Society is an organization of American police officers or fire fighters of Irish heritage.
Three months ago he formed an organization of black police officers to address racism in the Los Angeles Police Department.
The column did not acknowledge that a particular witness testified on behalf of an organization of police officers of color.
Members of the Guardians, a fraternal organization of black police officers, have also volunteered to help keep the gathering peaceful.
Chief among them has been an organization of black police officers; the victim in the 1946 shooting, John Milledge, was the first black police officer in Miami's history.