It also organizes study tours and other people-to-people exchanges between the United States and Latin America.
Its purpose is to promote mutual understanding and cooperation between the people of Asia and Europe through intellectual, cultural, and people-to-people exchanges.
There were also references to people-to-people exchanges.
Representatives of universities, people-to-people exchanges, English-teaching programs and Indochinese-American groups play an increasingly important role in our meetings.
These festivals and the concert series events present a people-to-people exchange for children and adult choruses from all over the world.
For several years, Esalen has been arranging exchange visits with influential Soviet intellectuals, many of whom prefer unofficial people-to-people exchanges.
Washington, Congress and the executive branch should get out of the way and let people-to-people exchanges do their job.
That's why people-to-people exchanges between the United States and Cuba are so needed.
The more opportunities there are for people-to-people exchanges, the more likely it is that citizens will influence their own country's move towards democracy and commitment to European values.
Since then the two countries have had friendly and cooperative relations, particularly economic and people-to-people exchanges.