Each issue featured four stories, plus at least one text piece about a real-life major medical figure.
As such they read into what Hawthorne writes about characters that have associated real-life figures.
Several real-life political figures are also characters in the story, and the plot features them meeting at Jackson, Wyoming for a secret conference.
The appearance of real-life historical figures became an expected device in the series.
The protagonists of the first three books listed here are based on real-life figures.
The only matter of debate was which animals represented which real-life figures.
The actors each searched for the real-life figures they wanted to portray and interviewed them using tape recorders.
The characters, and the real-life figures who they parody, are:
While he isn't modeled on one historical person, he is derived from real-life figures.
He also felt that including real-life historic figures such as Tesla was a "very ballsy thing".