He was the shapeless figure who had devoured the corpse in front of him.
It was foggy and cold, and there were huge, shapeless figures moving all around us, making me back up close against Colin.
The second of the two shapeless figures laid spatulate hands on the tabletop.
A shapeless, brooding figure, from which can emerge pain, death, life or joy.
Even as they watched, the figure began to turn and float away-a shapeless figure in black that seemed to glide without feet or arms.
He thought he saw a lumping, shapeless figure moving to port of him, but could not be sure.
A figure, shapeless at first, had moved up beside the post to appear only as a darkened smudge of enormous size.
Through the waving stems she saw a figure, large and shapeless against the sky.
Something had struck the cloak when the shapeless figure had fired the air gun at him.
Around the tables, and sometimes over them, lay a collection of black, shapeless figures.