Baker also worked with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
She went on to work with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, challenging Milwaukee's segregated school system.
The agency said it was willing to work with the National Restaurant Association to develop special terms that restaurants might use on their menus.
She also worked closely with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People to end job and housing discrimination.
He also worked closely with the National Association of Theatre Owners during the following years.
I have been working with the National Association of Basketball Coaches for many years on these kind of issues.
These days the star works with the National Eating Disorder Association to help raise awareness of the issue.
He said he had written his amendment himself, but he acknowledged having submitted it for legal review to lawyers who work with the National Rifle Association.
At 72, in 1978, he began a new career working with the National Restaurant Association to place handicapped men and women in jobs in the food industry.
A. Well, I had been working with the National Education Association.